FOPCON Blog: Summer Travels to Texas Gardens

Summer is approaching fast and so is travel season. When making your travel plans, remember your Friends of Oak Park Conservatory (FOPCON) membership when looking for things to do in your destination of choice. Last month, I went to Texas for a week and while there, I was able to visit two gardens with my membership for free. I went to the San Antonio Botanical Garden and The Lady Bird Johnson Wild Flower Center in Austin

The San Antonio Botanical Garden is about a 10-minute drive from downtown San Antonio. The garden is located on 38 acres and includes five exhibit halls featuring exotic plants from around the world. One of the exhibit halls featured orchids from all over the world. Another hall featured tropical plants from the rainforests of Mexico. 

I was able to see The Huntopia art show, which features the art from Hun Slonem. Though the show starts May 4th, all the installations were up and on display. The show runs through November 3rd. Huntopia features large glass sculptures of birds, butterflies, and bunnies. The sculptures are integrated throughout the whole garden. The gardens here were in bloom with spring tulips and daffodils, in Texas the wildflowers, and cacti were in bloom, and butterflies could be found everywhere. 

A few days later my brother, his partner, and I went to The Lady Bird Johnson Wild Flower Center in Austin. The center is located about thirty minutes from downtown Austin. The center is 248 acres with many scenic trails. The three of us received free admission. Parking is limited for the garden but there is a larger park located outside the gates of the garden with more parking that is free. When we first walked in we saw a mom with two baby owls, who have their own YouTube channel. 

When you walk into the center you are immediately greeted with large patches of black-eyed Susans, coneflowers, and a mix of other wildflowers. While walking through the garden you do see warning signs for rattlesnakes, something you do not see in Illinois. One of the amazing parts of the garden is the Savana Meadow. The meadow was full of wildflowers as far as the eye could see.

At the end of our adventure, we stopped at their lovely cafe for some treats. It was really a wonderful day. I encourage all who have not taken advantage of the reciprocity benefits to do so. There are so many incredible gardens that our FOPCON membership grants us access to. These two visits alone made our membership fee worth it.

Ramona Ramos-Sullivan

Co-Chair Membership Committee

Photos from The Lady Bird Johnson Wild Flower Center taken by Bryce Ramos Photography. 


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