As a new retiree in 2022, Yolanda was looking for meaningful volunteer work and a sense of community. Yolanda soon found great joy in reading to young children during Story Time.
“When I first entered retirement, I was struggling with my mental health,” Yolanda shared. “Coming to the Conservatory and building relationships with the kids, families, staff, and other volunteers quite literally changed my life.”
Now a member of the FOPCON board, Yolanda attributes her sense of belonging and healing to volunteering, and she sees her volunteering as giving back.
One of the ways Yolanda sees the community evolving is by offering Bilingual Story Time (the first Wednesday of the month at the Oak Park Conservatory). This, Yolanda believes, builds inclusion and enriches our entire community. Recently, she started teaching Spanish to toddlers. She says her creative side is always being stretched to keep the kids engaged.
When asked what dreams or goals she still wishes to accomplish, she says, “I’d like to make a positive impact in my world, starting with community.” Since Yolanda began volunteering with FOPCON in 2022, she has continued to inspire by donating her time and talents.
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